Monday, March 10, 2025

The Unseens by Kujtim Hajdari


The Unseens


They move through the shadows like bad dreams,


In their corners of the night, hidden, dark,


Where they squeeze misery between pain and tears,


Until the rays of dawn awaken them, trembling.



Above my head and eyes, I have the endless city,


Tall buildings in clouds that graze the sky,


Wide streets that find no end, and flowers,


Full of color and fragrance that bring me spring.



For them, this world is foreign, distant, buried,


They no longer have hands or feet to touch that life,


Perhaps a desire, a buried dream, they remember,


But they no longer have the strength or eyes to follow it.



Everyone runs relentlessly for luxury and wealth,


Man is never satisfied, always seeking a better life,


This dizzying race, for them, only brings wonder,


For those, the phantoms of society, with a weary spirit.



Someone exhausted, broken, with no strength left,


No longer ventures out, extending a hand for charity,


Rummaging through trash bins to find something to eat,


With cries and garbage, their spirit is drawn away.



No one sees them, pretending not to notice,


They remain the ghosts of misery living among us,


Some whisper that they pollute us so much,


Somebody who have never seen misery in life.


 Prescription of Book:



The book about the waves of life is a book of poems that deals with different topics such as social, love, longing for the homeland, family relations, those between wives, problems of emancipation and many other problems of everyday life. Poems are written with feeling and beauty of expression. In general, regular poetry prevails, but the poet also handles free verse beautifully and successfully. Many of them are poetic experiences from the poet's own life that make them more pleasant and original.


 Kujtim Hajdari was born in Hajdaraj, on April 10, 1956, in the city of Lushnjë, Albania. He completed high school, mechanical studies, and later pursued university studies in language and literature in Elbasan. He initially worked as a mechanic, and after graduating from university, he became a teacher of language and literature in High Schools.


He started writing at a young age, with his poems and creations being published in the local newspaper and magazines like"Shkendija," "Drita" and "Zëri i rinisë" during his middle school and high school years. After completing high school, he prepared three volumes: one of poetry titled "Will Spring Come?" one of short stories titled "The Violinist," and a drama titled "Sleepless Nights." However, his works did not see the light of publication due to political reasons.


After the change in the political system, he went into exile in Italy, where he spent many years before eventually settling in the USA. For a long period of time, he stopped writing due to the demoralization caused by the non-publication of his volumes and the threats he faced as a dissident writer, as well as the challenges of family and the difficulties of exile. He started writing again, after a hiatus of about 25 years, composing poetry in Albanian, Italian, and more recently, in English.


Both in Italy and the USA, he continues to write and be active, occasionally publishing volumes of poetry, participating in various national and international competitions, and sharing his poetry on numerous online platforms and in different publications. His themes cover a wide range of topics, with a significant focus on the issues and challenges of exile. He primarily writes structured poetry but also experiments successfully with free verse.



The Poetic Volumes Publications:


1. "Mbrëmë isha pa ty" in May 2018, published by "Create Space" in the USA.


2. "Mbrëmë isha pa ty another publication (with slight changes), almost authentic, by "ADA" in Tirana.


3. "Do të vij natën" in September 2018, published by "Create Space" in the USA.


4. "Emri i bukur dashuri" in March 2019, published by "ADA" in Tirana.


5. "Do t'u them..." in October 2019, published by "ADA" in Tirana.


6. "I dolori del cuore" published in January 2020, in Rome, by "Aletti Editori," in Italian.


7. "Pse bëjmë keshtu" in June 2020, published by "ADA" in Tirana.


8. "Kur shkoj në fshat" in July 2021, published by "JOZEF" in Durrës.


9. "Come i fiori di aprile" in Italian, in September 2021, published by KDP Amazon in Poland.


10. "You are everywhere" in English, in November 2021, published by KDP Amazon.


11. "Udhëve të Botës" was published in January 2022 by the publishing house "Botimet Jozef" in Durrës.


12. "Do të vij natën" reissue, revised volume January 2023, Durrës, Albania


13. "You are everywhere" in English, in November 2021, published by KDP Amazon.


14. "Through the waves of life" Translation from Albanian to English. (Anthology with selected poems from 10 published volumes), January 2024, byKDP Amazon, USA.


15. "I ngrita të rënët" 2024, published by "JOZEF" in Durrës.



Anthology Publications



So far, has participated in 66 anthologies, 12 national and 54 international in three lingue: Albanian, Italian and English.


The anthologies with participation of well-known poets from many country of the world. 


His poems have been published in Albania, Italy, the USA, India, Romania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Morocco, Egypt, etc.





He has participated up now in 38 national and international competitions where he has had several appreciations and awards as: 


The Cup of the special prize of the "Golden Pages of Italian Poetry" 2018. 


First prize for the diaspora of the Poetry Festival in Albania, 2019. 


The Cup of prize of the magazine "World Poets and Their Poetry" in Romania, 2020. 


Finalist in 7 places in "European Poetry Championship” 2020, in Romania.


He was awarded the title Artistic Honor of the Diaspora in 2021, by "Jehona Shqiptare" for his contribution to the National Poetry Festival in Albania, edition 4, as the Deputy Chairman of the Festival.


He is elected  member of the evaluation committee of poets participating in the national poetry festival to be held in 2023, organized by "Jehona Shqiptare"  in Albania.


He is member of American Poets of Massachusetts in 2024 and participant in their annual anthology for 2024. 


He is Winner of International Impact Book Awards for 2024, in USA


And many, many others evaluations. 


His poems have been published in Italy, the USA, India, Kosovo, Romania, Kosovo, Morocco, Egypt, etc.


He has received numerous certificates and diplomas from various web groups and associations. His poetry has been enthusiastically received, and thousands of admirers from around the world, as well as renowned poets and literary critics both domestically and internationally, have written words of praise for him.









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