Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Downpour by Arslan Bayir





It rains at night,

All the troubles and the rains,

The safety shoes on my feet,

Fill the rooms with the smell of rain,

The chirp sounds everywhere,

The night loses its scream,

The light fingers of the darkness rain,

Gently flows into the mornings,

It beats the window,

It rains at night,

Waves of the wind,

Sliding towards the villages,

Spreads her hair,

As water pours from tinned clouds,

Willow branches bend into streams.

It washes and splits your hair,

The earth absorbs water with its roots,

The trees bud from the top,

The light of lightning shines,

Your eyes look like two lighters

That illuminates the darkness.

The sea swells and approaches the beach,

It strikes the waves of the gulf,

Over the beaches,

The night shower,

It rains cats and dogs,

It takes away every thought,

Just like rivers.

It becomes an ointment,

For the one in need,

Like the bosom of the earth,

That is open to hope.

It rains at night,

In the night shower,

Clouds shake their heads,

The stars come down one by one,

To share the joy of the earth,

With those lonely friends.

 Book Description:


Language; "Used as a means of mutual communication between people; feelings, thoughts and wishes: Sound is defined as a multifaceted and developed system woven from sounds that enable each society to convey to others with the help of its common rules shaped according to its own value judgments in terms of form and meaning.

The Turkish nation, which knows how to protect its country's high independence, must also free its language from the yoke of foreign languages." M. Kemal Ataturk

Does our language that provides communication have difficulty in expressing itself, and do we need words from other languages?

Turkish is a language that is written as it is read and read as it is written. Every sound has a counterpart. Some misuse it by prefixing consonants with a vowel. Again, they say it wrong by adding a vowel (i) at the end of consonants. In recent years, as if Arabic Persian words were not enough, the words passing through the languages of some European countries have multiplied enough to take Turkish captive. 


Link the book: 



Arslan Bayır was born in 1958 in Bayır village, Alanya District of Antalya. He completed primary school in the village, secondary and high school education in Alanya, and education institute in Denizli. He completed the undergraduate program of Anadolu University Turkish Department in 1999. He published 36 books in the field of poetry, story, research and children's literature. 25th in Turkey. It received 10 international awards.

His articles, poems and stories were published in magazines and newspapers in 52 countries.

Owner of Baygeç Publishing and Gündem Sanat magazine.

Prepared by publicist and Promoter Angela Kosta

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