Friday, March 14, 2025

Breath by Fabio Petrilli




For me you are breath,

You are the essence that nourishes my soul daily.

I come to you without wearing masks, without having to act!

You as a good mother,

You embrace me in your loving arms and I feel protected,

As I learn to love.

Book Description:


From the conception of a dream of the poet Fabio Petrilli to publish his poems in a Sylloge, extending the invitation to the poet Elisa Mascia in order to give readers, in addition to the originality of the poetic verses, also to convey the message that poetry is "magic" that breaks down barriers and builds bridges of union in this case generational. So from a simple question from Fabio: "Do we want to write a little book of poems together (my poems and yours)?" the poetic collection "RESPIRO... CON IL CUORE" in collaboration with the poet Roberto Collari, who wrote the exclusive and engaging preface, and the writer - radio presenter Pietro La Barbera, who in addition to taking care of the afterword created the layout and publication on Amazon of the poetic work.

Elisa Mascia May 2024.


"Being happy is not thinking that you have a perfect life... It is dreaming and recognizing that life is worth living, every moment, despite the difficulties". (Elisa Mascia)


"This collection is dedicated to all those who love me, to those who, despite the many difficulties that life presents us, do not give up, fight to achieve their goals, dreams and triumph". (Fabio Petrilli)


Link the book:


             Fabio Petrilli was born in Foggia (Italy) on 9 March 2000. Studies Arts and Cultural Heritage at the University of Molise. Currently lives in San Bartolomeo in Galdo , a town in the province of Benevento. Poet, an established writer in the encyclopedia among contemporary national and international poets - Wikipoesia.

His poems were translated into French by the poet Irène Duboeuf, in Modern Greek by the writer Irene Doura-Kavadia , in Portuguese by the poet Cristina Pizarro, in Spanish, Catalan and English by the international poet Joan Josep Barceló i Bauçà. With the composition “I miei versi - My verses” he won the International Panorama of the Arts 2023 in the section “ Youth Awards“ organized by the Writers Capital International Foundation.

It is featured in numerous national and international literary journals.  

His first poetic poem in collaboration with the poet Elisa Mascia was published on 26 May 2024. The silloge is entitled “Respiro… con il cuore - Breath... with the heart" and is present in several national and international newspapers.





Prepared by Angela Kosta Executive Director of the Magazines: MIRIADE, NUANCES ON THE PANORAMIC CANVAS, BRIDGES OF LITERATURE, journalist, poet, essayist, publisher, literary critic, editor, translator, promoter

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