The Squirrel
The little squirrel,
Is jumping from,
Branches to branches,
Lifting its furry tail.
It is chasing away its friend,
And playing hide and seek,
With my little boy Vicky.
For them it is jolly time,
As the ripe mangoes are hanging,
With sweet flavor,
Wafting in the air.
They hop like hope,
Sometimes near,
And sometimes far,
Wonderful it is to see,
How swift they are,
While climbing the tree.
Sitting pretty on hind legs,
At the top of tree branches,
Eating the nuts,
They make pretty pictures.
A squirrel like this,
Had come to Vicky once,
Ate 'channas' from his hands,
Made friendship,
For a brief period,
And left beautiful memories,
For my little kid.
Bharati Nayak, born in the year 1962, is a bilingual poet, critic
and translator from Odisha, an Indian State lying on its eastern coast. She
writes in English and Odia. Her poems have been published in many magazines,
journals, anthologies and e-books of national and international repute, Her
poems have been published in nearly hundred books such as The Tranquill
Muse, Rock Pebbles, Orissa Review, Utkal Prasang, Creation and
Criticism, Circular Whispers, Nova Literature-Poesis, PoetryAgainst Terror, 56
Female Voices of Poetry, The Four Seasons Poetry Concerto, Tunes From the
Subcontinent, Amaravati Poetic Prism, Glomag ,OPA Anthology ,Different Truth
,,Pangolin Review ,Poets and Poetry, Muse of Now Paradigm, Different Truth
,Cuckoo In Crisis, Mosaic of Poetic Musings Souvenirs of Best Indian Poetryin
English of 2021 and the like.
Her published works are
1-Padma Paada (A poetry book in Odia language) 2-Words
Are Such Perfect Traitors 3-A Day for Myself. She has co-authored
four books namely Radical Rhythm ,vol-1,Vol-2 ,Vol-4 and worked as the Editor
for Radical Rhythm Vol-3.
Her book‘In the Realms of Love & Divinity’ jointly
written with the German poet Dr.Antony Theodore and book ‘Poetry and
Friendship’ co-authored with American poet Daniel Brick.
She is a regular writer on the online poetry Site ,where she has been
placed among the top 500 world poets as per their world poetry database and has
been offered a Title 'Poetic Basil' for her contribution to poetry.
She has been conferred with Sahitya Lahari award by International
Cosmos Society, India in 2018 and Star Ambassador of World Poetry And Art
Philosophique Poetica International Award in Literature by the World Poetry
Conference in Bhatinda,Punjab .India in 2019.She has been felicitated by
Literary Groups ,Asha Srotaswini Magazine ,Ashapradeep Newspaper ,Criticspace
Journal,Odia Sahitya Jagata ,Realm of Poems ,Poemarium and Eternal Flames.
She has participated in many well known international poetry
festivals like 11th Guntur International Poetry Festival ,Amaravati
International Poetry Festival,Rockpebbles National Poetry
Festival,Authorspress-GIEWECBhubaneswar Lit.Experia and the like.
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