Sunday, February 9, 2025




Shakespeare is world famous,

Author of King Lear,

Coriolanus, Othello, Hamlet,

Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth.


He is a genius, a poet, a dramatist,

Writer, actor, demiurge,

Who 'shook the spear' of culture,

Of English literature,


He was witty and learned,

He was gifted with a wonderful talent.

A man of high and complex thought,

A worthy husband, a good father,


A master of comedy and poetry,

A favorite of the muses, an expert in dilemmas,

His immortal works

Are still on the lips of men,


The question is eternal and unsolved,

To be or not to be?

His plays are performed on the stages of the world,

You interpret William Shakespeare!




Шекспир известен на весь мир,
Автор трагедий "Король Лир",
"Кориолан", "Отелло", "Гамлет",
"Ромео и Джульетта", "Макбет".

Он гений, поэт, драматург,
Писатель, актёр, "демиург",
Что "потрясал копьем" культуру,
Английскую литературу.

Был остроумен и учён,
Талантом чудным одарён.
Высоких, сложных дум творец,
Достойный муж, добрый отец.

Мастер комедий и поэм,
Любимец муз, эксперт дилемм.
Его бессмертные труды,
Не сходят с уст людской молвы.

Вечен вопрос и не решён,
"Быть иль не быть?" - он всем знаком.
Пьесы идут на сценах мира,
Трактуют Уильяма Шекспира!

Dinara Orazbekova (creative pseudonym Dina Oraz) - poet, writer, translator, presenter, journalist, actor, director, public figure, head of the creative association “AVANGARD”, vice-president of the UNICD, vice-president of the International Chamber of Writers and Artists CIEZART (Spain) - Kazakhstan, member of ELIASSHAGAR WORLD, member of WPM TADJIKISTAN (WORLD POERTY MOVEMENT), International Peace Ambassador of the National newspaper “The Daily Global Nation” Dahka, Bangladesh, member of the International Literary Association “Creative Tribune”, member of the “Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan”, IACL Ambassador.

Born in Kokshetau, lives in Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan. Her first youth poems were published in the newspaper “Stepnoy Mayak”.

Author of children's books “Who treats lions' teeth?”, “Where does the unicorn live?”, “What is my name?”. The author's works have been translated into Tajik, Azerbaijani, English, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Latvian, Turkish, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Italian, Arabic and Uzbek languages. 

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