Message from the Moon
From the meanders of the Universe,
where the Time is without time,
millions of light-years from Earth,
I am talking to you.
I have always known you,
since you rose for the first time,
your look towards the sky,
to find me,
since when you began to converse with me,
and to narrate your stories.
Even on stormy nights,
when no lights were visible to you,
I felt your call.
Many times I heard your voice,
vanishing in the darkness of the silence,
I noted in your eyes,
a light thread of emotion,
while you looked at me,
and I admired in you,
the sweetness and the depth,
of your soul,
every time you turned to me.
That slightly pale friend,
who sometimes smiles at you,
and sometimes appears melancholy to you,
it’s me,
she who preserves your secrets,
and who enchants you as nobody else,
it’s me.
Sometimes a little mocking,
ironic and fleeting,
but also pretty,
charming and fickle,
friend of the dreamers and of they who,
always chase the impossible.
Every time you searched for me,
I let you find me,
and even if you didn't search for me,
I was always here, above,
in the immensity of the sky,
waiting for you.
There's a wish I have for you,
on this special day:
that, whatever happens in your life,
however your life evolves,
and wherever you are,
you will never tire
of looking at the sky!
friend The Moon
published by English Bridge Journal of the Southwest University of Chongjing –
China – First Issue 29th April 2009 – thanks to Qianping Gu for the gift)
16th February 2009
Maria Tosti
Poem published in the collection “Voices to the boundaries of the Soul” published by Mario Vallone Editore, 2014
Maria Tosti was born in 1965 in Perugia, Italy, and lives in a small Umbrian town crossed by the river Tiber. She writes poems since she was a teenager. She participated at several national and international poetry awards along the years, getting many appreciations. Her poetry is a path of reflections and considerations on the human existence and the life experiences. Creating is a breath of art for her, and setting the emotions on the paper is to give voice to the inspiration that comes from inside with insistence. She is convinced that Poetry doesn’t belong only to the intellectuals, but it belongs to everybody because it is a universal message destined to touch the strings of the sensitivity of each individual, permeating the nuances of his feeling.
She likes writing poetry in other
languages too, such as English, Spanish and French. She is also passionate
about short poems, in the Japanese style, such as haiku, senryu, tanka. One of
her haiku was set to music by master Paolo Scatena.
Her literary debut was with the multilingual poetry book "Voci ai confini dell’anima” – “Voices to the Bounderies of the Soul” - published by Thoth Editions/Mario Vallone in the year 2014 both in paper and eBook format. The book includes poems in Italian, English, French and Spanish.
Her artistic works also include visual poems, like haiga and shahai, thanks to her passion for Photography and Drawing.
Many of her literary and artistic works have appeared in various national and international literary journals, magazines, blogs, websites and anthologies: China, India, Canada, USA, Brazil, United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Argentina, Romania, Switzerland.
She has also written the text of some songs in Italian, looking for a new way of expression and a new artistic technique. Two of her texts have been set to music, one by the Italian composer Pasqualino Moscatelli, and the other by the master Daniel Cianelli.
For more info, please see
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