Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Timeless Intellectual Legacy-by Adnan Gujjar-Dedicated Poem


Timeless Intellectual Legacy

 O, Chinua, you are an aesthete,

You beautifully capture the African fleet.

 Things Fall Apart is still a class apart,

Your No Longer at Ease and Arrow of God are speechless art.

Soyinka follows thee in the richness of Africa,

Hughes adores the sacrifices in America.

Maya Angelou is still celebrated in Still I Rise, Morrison too echoes in Jazz ,

 Beloved, and Paradise. Okri's poeticality attracts worldwide emotions,

His fiction moves in subtle commotion. The Magic Lamp is the magical lamp,

The Famished Road is the lovely cushion. Fanon, the great Fontz,

Is a generational ask,

He beats and clicks through his White Skin, Black Mask.

Opening new doors for the intellectual folk,

Transforming the clichéd talk,

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, a radical thinker in the garden,

Challenging the rule for the native race,

The River Between flows like a river and stands tall,

Recalling the faith and your timeless grace,

Decades after decades, it never falls,

Following the footsteps of legends in poetics,

Amanda clicks in her ecstatic lyrics.

 'For there is always light' is a universal light.

Tamikio L. Dooley too is a fountain and sweet rehearse. By Muhammad Adnan Gujjar



Muhammad Adnan Gujjar is a full-time lecturer in the Department of English Language and Literature at the University of Chenab, Gujrat. He is a poet, columnist, and the founder of a literary magazine, The Wordsmith E-Magazine. Currently, he is working on the 4th edition of the magazine.


Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Ship on the Waves by Tamikio L. Dooley-Translated by Ma Yongbo
















The Ship on the Waves


Author: Tamikio L. Dooley

Translator: Ma Yongbo

With his stick, the fisherman at the lighthouse moves back from the waves. He walks further down the beach until he reaches a ship.

Though abandoned, the ship sits beautifully isolated, somewhat ominously, as the man continues his journey, clutching his stick.

The ship will eventually receive the man’s arrival. Positioned at the seashore’s edge, it seems to wait for him. All he can think about along the way was how to get on the ship, fix it, and guide toward the lighthouse across the way, the way lighthouse across the sea.

So, he it keeps circling around the seashore. The ship approaches, seemingly heading straight for him. It’s waiting for him. A decaying pile of broken wood leans precariously. The ship expects the man to repair it. To fix the wobbly deck, he looked underneath where he and his men could relax and enjoy card games and eat fish. Yet, his men had left him by the time he boarded the vessel.





Thursday, February 20, 2025

Ma Yongbo-Translaor


Melancholy of Dusk


Author: Ma Yongping

English translator: Ma Yongbo 

The sunset has already fallen and on the mountain path,

People walking one by one left,

Rushing toward what seems like a still-warm home,

Like birds hastily flying back to their nest.

But I am still walking in the mountains, tireless,

Not knowing where I should go.

My home is only a temporary shelter from the storm in this world,

It cannot bring me final comfort,

It cannot give me the ultimate refuge.

I pass through one grove after another,

Through paths that suddenly turn into other groves,

But I do not know which path leads to deeper silence.


March 30, 2016



















Ma Yongbo was born in 1964,Ph.D, representative of Chinese avant-garde poetry, and a leading scholar in Anglo-American poetry. He has published over eighty original works and translations since 1986 included 7 poetry collections. He focused on translating and teaching Anglo-American poetry and prose including the work of Dickinson, Whitman, Stevens, Pound, Williams and Ashbery. He recently published a complete translation of Moby Dick, which has sold over half a million copies. He teaches at Nanjing University of Science and Technology. The Collected Poems of Ma Yongbo (four volumes, Eastern Publishing Centre, 2024) comprising 1178 poems, celebrate 40 years of writing poetry.


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

November Moon by Yasmine Harmoush from Children's Literature Education and Literature Magazine

November Moon 


Dates his birth In the first quarter... 

His soul appears With the first night group... 

Blind He was blinded by a heavy mist With the whiffs of love.. 

He extinguished the censers of life, 

The roar of feelings, 

Then the bones clashed... 

And autumn bells She sang a loud tune.

And the melodies of its strings Two lions play to my ears...

 She recites “The Seven of Seconds”...

 Oh, the slumber of a lifetime... 

Let us be the nucleus of this universe... 

You and I.. 

We break through time From ancient times.. 

We write poems...

 Don't look like the pendants.. 

Nor the shrines of Andalusia.

 Take me to Wissal eternal.. 

We build bridges between us...

 We float on the surface of life..

With wings of “sidr and lavender”..

We listen to the conversations of the prairies... Silence of wind..

And the melodies of the seven heavens... 

O pure one, lead him to prayer in the morning... 

I performed my prayers in your sanctuary..

Oh, the first and last wishes...

 And love at the beginning of dawn... 

Your name will remain In the back of my heart...

 And your ghost is tied to my breath... 

Oh, the knot of my tongue... 

And my soul mate..

 The whips of your feelings flog me..

 You punish me You slaughter me Your compassion.. 

tell me How do I hide my dreams.. 

In a cemetery without coffins Under the soil?



Yasmine Abdel Salam Harmoush Location North Lebanon/Safira Date of birth: August 15, 1988 Academic qualifications: – Specialization in expertise and auditing in financial accounting achievements: -The collection of “Qatuf Al-Yasmeen” – The book “Jasmine” Publishing and translation: Yasmine has published her work in most Arab newspapers and magazines international.

Definining my Love by Parvinder Nagi


Defining my Love


Where do I store mine brimming love?


Dew drops of my love,

Keeps penetrating through,

The intensive emotions,


Boundless are the elevations,

Of my love,

Like empyrean curve scattered with stars,


Rising and falling,

Are the ebbs of my heart?

Singing the notes of my love so true,


My heart is full of gala tales,

Amidst millions of enduring trails,


Mine endless love keeps dripping,

Unfurling the truth it holds,


Defining my love,

Are the few metaphors,


Not prose nor poetry,

Can compose my love,


As my love is a treasure,

Within the box full of pleasures,


My love resonates,

With every breath so warm ,


Can you not hold?

Mine love so divine?



Parvinder is born and brought up in the coastal city of Mombasa, Kenya, East Africa.


 Having dedicated her career to shaping the minds of future generations as a principal from the distinguished senior secondary schools in India and also served as charity in the British schools in UK.


 Parvinder is a national award winner from NCERT, New Delhi, for making teaching and learning process easier through the classroom aids for both the teachers and pupils.


 One of the defining moments of her poetic journey occurred during a visit to Dove Cottage and the museum dedicated to the venerable poet, William Wordsworth, nestled in the enchanting landscape of Grasmere, Lake District, UK.


In the hallowed halls of this literary sanctuary, standing amidst the profound legacy of Wordsworth, Parvinder found herself immersed in the timeless essence of poetry, a force capable of transcending the boundaries of time and place.


 Her passion for poetry found recognition when she was bestowed with the prestigious accolades in a national poetry contest in the year 2022 orchestrated among a gathering of over 2000 poets from across India on the national level.


   Parvinder is a recipient of many literary awards in poetry….

- An Ambassador for peace in the world poetic fraternity,

- The Global Peace Ambassador Awards,

- Literary Ambassador Awards,

- Honorary Doctorate Awards,

- Membership card from ICAL and felicitations of appreciation and excellence,  joining the bridges across the world through her literary work!

Parvinder’s poems are translated in various languages across the globe.She is honoured to be one of the 58 selected poets, whose poems are translated in Turkish and published in Turkey, the anthology book, “ Poets From The World”


Her poems are also published among 231 great noble world poets, in the book “ WORLD CONTEMPORARY POETS VOLUME 2 “


A book, “The Women - Global Poetic Gems" is the Collection of Lyrical Poems By 35 International Poets, Parvinder is proud to be featured among one of these world renowned poets.


Her poems are reviewed by eminent writers, authors and also reviewers from Harvard University USA

From time to time her poems are featured in the various journals, newspapers and magazines across the globe.


She has collaborated her duet poems with poets across the globe.


She has also participated in the live poetry recitation among the global poets on google meet online and won the accolades!


 Parvinder has translated a Historical chronological book, from Kosovo, written by Dibran Fylli “Prekazi Brezni Trimash-HE IS ALIVE“ into her mother language Punjabi.


 Parvinder’s poems are music to the heart that express different aspects of life, conjuring up emotions from happiness to sadness using different styles and themes giving pleasure to the readers.

By the Ways of Paradise by Maid Corbic from Children's Literature Education and Literature Magazine


By the Ways of Paradise


Long ago as a boy I knew,

Yes, my path is to create works,

About which the world will be buzzing,


But life is a difficult field above all,

Which still makes people imagine themselves,

In the sea of ​​infinity and lies creating,

Their speech and ways of treating others,


Love is the strongest thing in the world to live by,

Although she can also be so painful,

Because the scenes that happen sometime before,

They are still carried in the bottom of the soul on both sides,


People being people, the Balkan atypical has become just that,

Because love is a laughing stock to everyone,

While at the bottom of the soul traces of hope,

That hope remains that love is alive


And those tyrants are deliberately destroying it,

Who think that love is an expensive car?

A watch and other things,

Love is written all over the dessert,


Possibility of traveling positions,

Much-needed love becomes sex,

Which arises implicitly from the attitudes of immaturity,


I walked the paths of Paradise and picked apples,

Hoping that love still has ways,

How to find your era of wisdom,

But year after year I get disappointed,


Because love is something that is used,

Emotions and social position in time,

When someone doesn't have his money, others laugh at him,

Just because he's not like everyone else,


And love has no limit, it comes,

An honest person will find his way just then,

When one least hopes and dreams,

Because dreams never became unrealistic,

Only if a man wants to be happy,

The paths of Paradise will be followed and believed with the brain, not with the heart.



Maid Corbic from Tuzla, 24 years old. In his spare time he writes poetry that repeatedly praised as well as rewarded. He also selflessly helps others around him, and he is moderator of the World Literature Forum WLFPH (World Literature Forum Peace and Humanity) for humanity and peace in the world. He is world 44. poet in the world and five in the Balkan. He has over the 10.000 successes on Facebook.