Sunday, February 2, 2025

Til Kumari Sharma Author Interview


1.      Author Introduction: Tell us about yourself.


I am Til Kumari Sharma from Bashyal family as Brahmin family and people call me Pushpa. I am internationally awarded poet/ author. I am from Paiyun 7-  Hile Parbat, West Nepal.Now I am in capital city. From the civil war of Nepal I started to write. Then I published some books of poems, novels and so on in Nepal.


 I had a lot of disturbance in studying in my country. Then when I was dissatisfied in my country in study and the job I started to write. After kicking by the university of Nepal to ban me  for doing a  PhD and  permanent job, I started to study for a  PhD in Singhania University of India. Few of my relative leaders supported not me but my opposite gang. So they make others higher than me.  They tell me arrogant and unknown people say me "scholar". Then my hidden voice  of heart wound  by their segregation to me  in  few poems, interviews and other sources started to publish worldwide.


 Now more than 50 countries, my writings are published.  I felt very uneasy in my country.  I am thankful to those scholars, artists and journalists who  support me  I respect you more. Now I am in a world record book hyper poem and my world personality is published in Argentina MultiArt. That is my history in art. I struggled alone to be poet/ writer against the bad environment.


 Now I love to engage in writing worldwide.


2.      What is your best-selling book title or piece of artwork?


My own best-selling individual book personally is not existed yet. But I am co-author in best -selling book project from  " Creating a Better World" and  " Spark of Hope: A Treasury of Poems for Saving Lives III" from Trinidad and Tobago in which Brenda Mohammed is editor.


3.      Have you won any awards, certificates, honors, stickers, or recognitions for your books or artwork pieces?



 I got a thousand awards from groups, anthologies  and other programmes  in writing poetry, essays, and stories.


4.      When you’re not writing or producing artwork, what are your hobbies?

   I have hobbies to visit natural places when I do not work in writing.


5.      Introduce special events, projects, upcoming book releases, for your special projects pertaining to writing and art you want viewers to know about.


I have special events in India West Bengal when our photographs of five countries’ writers were on the huge wall of Suryasen Manch to celebrate a literary programme.  Now I feel special in the coming project "Humanity Magazine “and Second Vol. of Hyper poem. I am happy to associate with this project "Literature Journal" from America to keep my voice of silence alive. Thank you very much dear Author Tamikio.


   6.  Share your special links to your books, websites, pages, and blogs so viewers can find you.





Published by Tamikio L. Dooley-Author Interviewer and Blogger

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